FAQ - Dr Waseem Fitness


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions in our comprehensive FAQ section. Whether you’re curious about our services, need help with a technical issue, or want to understand our policies better, we’ve got you covered. Read clear answers and quick solutions, saving you time and effort. Let our FAQs guide you through any uncertainties and improve your experience with us.

While many nutrition & coaching programs focus on the science of nutrition and training, we focus on the success of YOU. Coaching is about more than just working out and eating right. It’s about personal development so you can live your best life. 

We won’t give you a crazy diet or exercise program to follow; instead, we plan to write simple, practical, and rational fitness and life advice to get you results that last forever. You want to get healthier, fitter, and stronger– and stay that way for the rest of yourself.  

Congratulations on beginning your new journey with nutrition and working out! 

We’re here to help you take the right steps forward so you don’t become overwhelmed while making sustainable progress toward your goals. 

No worries! We’ve got you covered. Our expert dietitians specialize in diverse nutritional approaches, including vegan, vegetarian, keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, celiac, and hormone-related diets. Whatever your preference, we’ll apply our nutrition skills to meet your needs.

Your Coach will stay in close contact with you throughout the week to answer questions, offer guidance, and hold you accountable. You can send video or text messages anytime and receive a response within 1 business day. We’ll still check in 2-3 times weekly to review your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Honestly? It depends. The process of improving health and fitness takes personal factors and circumstances into account. When you begin the program, you and your Coach will discuss your goals and expectations and what it will take to achieve them.  

Yes, however, you may need to consult a Doctor or our Physiotherapist first. Nearly every Coach on our team has experience helping clients work through basic injuries. We also have Physiotherapists on our coaching team with deeper experience in rehab and PT. 

A gym membership isn’t necessary. Most exercises can be done at home with some basic equipment. If not, we can always adapt the program so you can do it with whatever equipment you have available, e.g., Dumbbells, Barbells, Kettlebells, Resistance Bands, etc. 

Get started right away! You’ll receive your initial guidance immediately after your first call with your coach.

Yes, we want you to enjoy your nutrition by incorporating the foods you love into a balanced diet.  The real magic happens when you shape your current eating habits into something that uplifts your health and performance.

Absolutely not. The best time to pursue your goals is when you’re busy because you’ll learn how to be more flexible and consistent; remember, your program will be tailored specifically for you. 

What is the commitment level? Our coaching programs are simple, basic, and easy to implement. You’ll receive a sustainable plan that is easy to adopt, flexible for life’s situations, and rational workout routines to keep you injury-free and nutritionally rich diet. Coaches will assist you in staying motivated and getting moving on days when you’re not feeling inspired. Your only task is to check in online with your coach every other day. This is how you’ll develop good behaviors and long-term habits.

Yes, we can help. We do not prescribe the drugs, nor are we for or against them. That decision needs to be between you and your doctor. However, our pharmacists on our coaching team will consult with you before starting any new dietary routine. Our goal would be to alleviate some of the most common negative side effects, such as muscle loss, hair loss, and malnourishment, and ensure your food choices provide the most bang for your buck. 

Our coaching philosophy is not just about calorie counting. Our vision is to create a healthier lifestyle that involves mastering your emotions, managing stress, strengthening your mindset, and finding work/life balance. A mindset coach is a part of our awesome Team of Psychologists who can help you improve motivation, set practical goals, enhance relationships with food, establish better routines, increase positive thinking and confidence, manage emotions, and address eating disorders and body dysmorphia. 

Do you still have questions in mind about Dr Waeem Fitness? We're here to help.